Direct Temperature Monitoring Systems
This seminar is designed for engineers and technicians involved in the analysis and reviewing of technical specifications for power transformers.
Throughout the seminar we will briefly analyse the IEC standards and CIGRE guides that establish the worldwide standards in terms of monitoring the temperature of hot sports in direct contact with transformer windings. Many very common questions will be answered such as: what sensors can actually be used for monitoring hot spots, how many sensors are recommended in accordance with the standards and the type of transformer, what are the recommendations in terms of the installation and reliability of the system, what are the essential characteristics for specifying the monitoring equipment as well as the worldwide trends related with this type of technology.
Subjects of the session
- Comparative analysis of options: 200um vs. 62.5um FO.
- How many sensors are installed in accordance with the IEC and CIGRE?
- Installation of sensors in accordance with the IEC standards.
- Technical requirements of the monitoring equipment.
- HotSpot Monitoring trends: Dark Sensors.